Nicole Magistro
Vail Story Walk features Read Island
The latest Bighorn Park installation features Read Island, which was written by Nicole Magistro and illustrated by Alice Feagan, both Eagle County residents.
Nicole Magistro
Book Picks from Odyssey Bookshop
Props to Joan Grenier at The Odyssey Bookshop for recommending Read Island on Northeast Public Radio's WAMC.
Nicole Magistro
Hoover grad, author tells students to dream
Nicole Magistro worked on her children's book "Read Island" for eight months and over the course of 14 drafts. Lines were dictated into her cellphone in the cadence of a rhyme. The former Stark County resident thought about the book while hiking, driving and Nordic skiing, the motion helping her work out rhymes.
Nicole Magistro
5 Important Books in My Career
Books can take you anywhere – they certainly have helped guide me as a professional. Here is a list of five books that have inspired different stages of my career so far.
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